Tag Archive | network marketing

Clean Burning Mia Bella Candles!

Natural palm wax

Go Green! Our Mia Bella candles are clean burning with none of that black soot on the jars!  Not soy, but made with natural Palm Wax. We have a beautiful, crystallized look on the wax.  They smell amazing!

“Going Green” has become a prominent phrase for many companies, and a conscious choice for many families. Mia Bella’s is doing its part too! Take our “Going Green” natural product line, wrap them up into one dynamic business and you have a company helping people enjoy life’s pleasures in a whole new healthier way!

Mia Bella’s candles embody the combination of green technology waxes, highest quality fragrances, and hand poured quality control to produce the best product a candle lover can buy. A $20 Mia Bella’s candle is often better than candles that cost $50 or more. Mia Bella’s consumers get full value for their dollars spent.

Creating an ambience of pure pleasure is the result of lighting any Mia Bella’s candle and wrapping yourself with a beautiful earth friendly fragrance experience. Our fragrances are so rich your senses will think they are experiencing the real thing. Plus, our clean burning candles make it a perfect candle for any environmentally conscious lifestyle. “Going Green” never smelled so good!

With Scent-Sations “Going Green” never looked, smelled, or felt so good!

Read more here Go Green with Mia Bella Candles!

Mia Bella’s candles are made in the USA with the highest quality ingredients that offer consumers a high-end performing candle/melt but at an affordable cost.

Buy your Mia Bella candles HERE! 


Learn more about our amazing Mia Bella candles & also the business opportunity at 


Struggling in your business?

Are you struggling in your business to make any money at all?  Maybe you’re just breaking even, but just can’t grow your business enough to meet those goals and expectation you had when you first started.

You’ve reached the point where most direct sales wannabe’s call it quits..

Don’t be a wannabe…

You know, the difference between distributors who struggle just to make a dime and the super affiliates making thousands of dollars of monthly residual income is that the super affiliates have pushed through the hard times, learned from their mistakes, and gone on to become rockstars. We are all the same. It doesn’t take a degree to be successful in your business. You just have to want it bad enough and not let anything get in the way of your dreams.

Don’t be a wannabe… JUST DO IT! Everyone struggles, remember that. It’s the one’s that throw in the towel and don’t want to climb that next mountain are the one’s who aren’t successful and stay in the same pattern of life, over and over and over again. Be different. Do it for YOU and your family. Go against the norm. Keep the vision, do what it takes.



Learn more about my amazing Mia Bella candles business opportunity! Great part time income. Go to > www.AlisonBoers.com

Enter to win a FREE bag of Mia Melts and a Melter!  Enter here!

The Fear of Losing

Do you have a fear of losing when it comes to your network marketing/direct sales business?

“Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning.” ~ Robert Kiyosaki

Most people play not to lose than they actually play to win. Stepping in a direction of changing your life will always have a risk of it not working out but always consider the alternative. What happens if you don’t change your life? Do you want to be exactly where you are in 5-10 years? I surely don’t!  Feel the same way? Do something to change that.

If you have never heard of the law of attraction I would highly recommend you to watch the movie “Secret”. But long story short, what you focus on grows in your life. Therefore, if you are constantly focusing on negative things in your life and business, then you will attract even more negative things. However, when you shift your focus on all the positive things around you, you will start attracting more of the positive stuff in your life including your business. 

Play to win and get ahead in your life. What is your WHY in building your business? Really think about that. What is the WHY that makes you cry?  Why did you start your business? Really think about that, put it in front of you daily, and step out of that comfort zone so your not stuck.  You got this! 


Start your own Mia Bella candle business too!  www.AlisonBoers.com


Scent-Sations, Inc. Free Weekly Drawing for wax melter and wax melts / wax tarts plus every entry will receive a free guide, “Secrets Of Candle-Burning Success”

Weekly Drawing!  Enter to win!



7 fearless ways successful people think

ziglar-275x210 Successful people think with strong minds. They prepare themselves mentally every day so they are prepared to face the challenges in their lives that may arise. These seven fearless ways of thinking, compiled from Forbes, are ones you may want to consider implementing yourself:

1) Move On

Fearless people, successful people, are not afraid to move on in life. They do not “waste time feeling sorry for themselves,” because they know it is not productive to their end goal. “They have learned to take responsibility for their actions and outcomes, and have an inherent understanding of the fact that frequently life is not fair.” At the end of the day, fair is a child’s word. When people realize this, they stop dwelling on the past and bounce back from mistakes faster. This allows them to be more successful in life because they do not waste time being upset about things they cannot change. Instead, they use that time to productively work on conquering new goals.

2) Keep Their Power

“Mentally strong people avoid giving others the power to make them feel inferior or bad.” Rather than allowing the thoughts of the many different people they come across affect their way of thinking, successful people realize that everybody has different opinions and that not everybody’s opinions matter or should be taken personally. They know they are “in control of their actions and emotions. They know their strength is in their ability to manage the way they respond.” Even when the chips are down and the insults feel personal, successful people find a way to look ahead and ignore the people tearing them down.

3) Accept Change

There is an old adage that claims the only things that are certain in life are death and change. “Mentally strong people embrace change and they welcome challenge.” In order to change yourself, you have to challenge yourself. If you are not challenging yourself, you are going to stay in the same spot for the rest of your life or ultimately begin to slip backwards. Mentally strong people, fearless people, successful people think in a way that will allow them to make changes in their life and accept changes that come so that they can get stronger with each day. “An environment of change and even uncertainty can energize a mentally strong person and bring out their best.”

“A mentally strong person is willing to take calculated risks.” Successful people think that risks sometimes bring out the best results in life. They aren’t careless, but rather “weigh the risks and benefits thoroughly, and will fully assess the potential downsides and even the worst-case scenarios before they take action.” They don’t shy away from risks, but they don’t plunge into ones without thinking them through first. However, it is the risks in life that make life interesting and sometimes bring out the most incredible results. Successful people are wiling to take this chance when it makes sense to them.

5) Applaud Others’ Successes

Jealousy and resentment are both emotions that can be incredibly prohibiting to one’s success. “It takes strength of character to feel genuine joy and excitement for other people’s success. Mentally strong people have this ability.” You only get what you work for in life. Dwelling on the idea of unfair successes will get you nowhere. Successful people think, and they think correctly, that the successes of other people are not inversely tied with their own failures. They can recognize the difference between their own successes and the successes of others and realize that even if there is a possible connection, the focus that will provide the most beneficial outcome is for them to focus on their own journeys and successes.

6) Remain Resilient

“Every failure is a chance to improve.” Successful people fail, too. The difference is that they get back up and keep fighting. No successful person is where they are today because they just slipped through life as casually as an afternoon breeze in the autumn. Every person in this world who is truly successful has been tenacious and hard-working. “Mentally strong people are willing to fail again and again, as long as the learning experience from every ’failure’ can bring them closer to their ultimate goals.” Sometimes failure teaches you more than a win ever could.

7) Earn Their Wins

Successful people think in terms of earning potential. They do not “feel the world owes them anything. Particularly in the current economy, executives and employees at every level are gaining the realization that the world does not owe them.” In order to be successful, it is vital that you think with a strong mind and work for your successes. They will never be handed to you on a silver platter. You must earn them and even when you think you’ve earned them, realize that sometimes you have to work four times as hard as you could have ever expected to get somewhere. Yet, successful people think, and think correctly, that if they work hard enough they will eventually earn the wins they want in life. The world may not owe them anything, but the world is much more likely to give them things if they work hard for them.

Source: Forbes

Zig Ziglar

Alison Boers 

Enter to win!

No Results? How do I stay motivated.


There are a couple of ways that you can stay motivated while you are not getting results. One is to look at people who are very successful that also failed. Look at Ray Kroc who was a failure his whole entire life until he stumbled upon a burger stand and ended up buying out that little burger stand and created McDonald’s in the 60s. Elvis Presley got kicked off that Grand Old Opry stage and was told to go back truck driving.  Look at all your upline Directors in your business!  Do you think they felt like it was going well all the time for them?  NO!  They struggle too!

Not getting results is part for the course. It’s just how it is. It is how it is for everyone in a network marketing business.  You are NOT alone! Sometimes it is hard to stay motivated.

How to become successful is to be persistent through failure.

That is literally only 50% of the equation. Now most people are persistent. You have to persistent through failure… over and over again.  This is how to GET to success.

I failed in a lot of different things. Thank God, I tried one more time. One more time.

It’s normal….you have to understand that. Normal for EVERYONE. It’s normal to be doing work and not getting results. That’s normal. Keep going. Be persistent. Let the vision of who you want to become pull you pass these obstacles and this is why. Just having a WHY isn’t enough. It’s not enough to have a why. You have to have a vision of who you want to become that is so powerful. Who are you? Who do you want to become? That vision is so critical to get you past the obstacles because there will be obstacles all along the way.  Be persistent through failure.

Alison Boers



Where do you want to be in 5 years?

Where would you like to be in 5 years with your business?

One of the top reasons for owning your own business is that it leads to financial freedom. Meaning, being able to earn lots of money without you needing to be there. The problem with a job is that you are “Selling time for money”. This means that you can never stop working because your income also stops. With a business, you have hundreds of customers (distributors) that are generating the income. This means you can go on holiday for a month and be making more money when you come back than when you left!

It is very difficult to be able to double your income with a job.

In fact, the average pay rise is currently around 2%. This is crazy, especially since inflation is closer to 10%. However, with a business, it is a lot easier to get twice as many “customers” next year than the last, which in turn doubles your income. The smart people are now building their own businesses on the side.

Where do YOU want to be in 5 years?

You don’t have to get paid by the hour!


in 5 years

Alison Boers

Mia Bella Candles Director


Forget Failures In Your Network Marketing Business

Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget about everything ...

Forget failures

Therefore, forget failures in your network marketing business. Also, it will be very hard for you to find someone of success that has made no mistakes or didn’t fall on their face a few times along the way. Why then does it matter that you didn’t succeed at something in the past.

Why do many people fail in network marketing? There are many reasons why they fail and I’m going to point out exactly what people should look for, so that doesn’t happen to them.

6 Reasons Why I Failed to Build a Network Marketing Business by profitableventure.com
  • Wasn’t prepared. The first reason why I failed to succeed in the network marketing industry was lack of preparation. …
  • Had the wrong perception. …
  • Lacked sales skills. …
  • Was afraid of rejection. …
  • Lacked leadership skills. …
  • I gave up too soon.
The thing about network marketing, is that if you stick with it and work hard, you can make an infinite amount of money. But, if you are like a lot of people, there’s a good chance you’ll get discouraged and quit.

It is all about what you focus on.

IF you focus on anything but where you want to go, you have already lost the game. Keep that goal in front of you at all times.  Where do you want to be in your business, who do you want to be?  Forget failures. You will have many ups and downs along the way, you will get many NO’s and that’s ok!  Above all, keep your eyes on the prize and keep reaching.  Stay strong, you can do this.  You got this!


Alison Boers  http://www.AlisonBoers.com




Geodynamics | Presentation skills – 1. Voice

Here’s the thing about tonality

This is the big problem, most people, they’re looking for a script. But if you use the wrong tonality in a network marketing recruiting script, it doesn’t work.

You can study network marketing recruiting materials all day long but if you don’t understand HOW to say things, your results won’t be great.

Ever practice what to say
to a prospect but it just didn’t
go well?
People that are good at sales are
naturally good at one thing that most
people don’t understand

It isn’t what you say, it’s HOW you 
say it, how you inflect your voice
at the right time.

Today, you are going to get to watch
a video that no one else in our space is
IF you are serious about getting more results in your network marketing recruiting, be sure to watch the below video where he shares:
  1. How to sound when calling leads
  2. How to sound when you want to get someone to join or buy
  3. EXACTLY what I say to people after they have watched a presentation and more importantly HOW I sound

Ray Higdon’s Training

Ray Higdon is an incredible network marketing trainer.  Be sure to check out all his awesome business building information here at http://rayhigdon.com/blog/

Stop Complaining and Change!

How many times have you seen an, “Ugh, I hate Mondays” post on social media?


Those who are completely happy have put themselves in that position because anything other than happiness just isn’t acceptable. They made sacrifices and worked hard until they reached the level of happiness they were striving for.

It all comes down to identifying what it is that you want, formulating a plan to get there and then working hard until you reach your desired goal. It has nothing to do with luck.

If you are unhappy, you currently have two options: You can complain about it and hope it magically changes, or you can set out to make a change. For the latter, here is a simple four-step plan to help you achieve happiness. If you are unhappy you owe it to yourself to make a change — life is too short to delay any longer.

1. Determine why you are unhappy.

There are several reasons why you could be unhappy — you could be working a job that you don’t truly love, working with people you don’t enjoy being around or doing something you are over-qualified for.

It might not be work related at all — you might be in a dead end or unhealthy relationship. There could be a million different reasons, and it’s up to you to identify them. Whatever they are, just know that you aren’t going to find true happiness until you first single out what the problem is.

2. Change your attitude.

The first thing I mentioned above was the “FML” and “Ugh, I hate Mondays” social media status updates we all see on a regular basis — that type of attitude sets the tone. If you are constantly filling your head with a negative outlook, what do you expect will happen?

Negative thoughts breed negativity and unhappiness, while positive thoughts breed positivity and happiness.

When it comes down to it we are all responsible for our own happiness. The only way you will be happy is by changing your attitude and understanding that you are in full control, and fully capable of changing your situation.

3. Create a plan to reach happiness.

When you know why you are unhappy and are armed with a positive attitude, you can start to devise a plan to achieve happiness. This is where many people hit a mental roadblock and self-doubt enters their minds.

“I’m not going to find a better job.”
“I wont find someone else.”
“I’m too old to start a business.”

Excuses are made to justify remaining miserable. If you are serious about truly being happy you need to push all self-doubt out of your mind and commit to developing a plan to become happy. Determine what your ultimate end goal is and reverse engineer the steps you will need to take to reach it.

4. Take action and don’t look back.

With your plan outlined it’s time to move forward and never look back. Simply taking action doesn’t guarantee results — your journey to happiness could include mistakes, rejection and disappointment. But if you don’t take action there is only one guarantee, and that is your situation will never improve and you will remain unhappy.

Happiness isn’t going to happen overnight — you have to continue to push forward, regardless of how difficult it may appear.

~Jonathan Long~  Entrepreneur.com~

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. — Winston Churchill

Love candles?

Alison Boers

Some Succeed, Others Struggle

There are reasons why some people succeed, while others struggle.


If you’re having difficulty converting prospects, here are 10 tips that can give you a leg up:

1. Make an excellent first impression: You may only get a few minutes to really impress someone.

2. Know what you don’t know: The easiest way to turn potential customers off is to come off like a know-it-all.

3. Practice what others teach: Find role models or mentors in the field and watch what they do, then emulate it.

4. Remember people’s names and faces: You never know when remembering someone is going to mean the difference between them listening to you or tuning you out.

5. Be a leader to those below you: As much as you want to climb the ladder, don’t forget to be a role model to those just getting started. They need you to set a good example.

6. Treat your business like a business: Even if direct selling isn’t your primary job, give it the time and respect it deserves, so one day you can make it your No.1 priority.

7. Research, research, research: Learn everything you can about potential customers, and your business. There’s no such thing as knowing too much.

8. Get strong at reading non-verbal cues: Customers often say more with their facial expressions and gestures than they do with words.

9. Act and don’t hesitate: When a decision needs to be made, don’t delay. Chances are, someone else is pursuing the same opportunity you are.

10. Confidence is everything: Belief in yourself is at least half the battle; think positive and you’ll get positive results.

WorldVentures Blog

Alison Boers