Tag Archive | online recruiting


Geodynamics | Presentation skills – 1. Voice

Here’s the thing about tonality

This is the big problem, most people, they’re looking for a script. But if you use the wrong tonality in a network marketing recruiting script, it doesn’t work.

You can study network marketing recruiting materials all day long but if you don’t understand HOW to say things, your results won’t be great.

Ever practice what to say
to a prospect but it just didn’t
go well?
People that are good at sales are
naturally good at one thing that most
people don’t understand

It isn’t what you say, it’s HOW you 
say it, how you inflect your voice
at the right time.

Today, you are going to get to watch
a video that no one else in our space is
IF you are serious about getting more results in your network marketing recruiting, be sure to watch the below video where he shares:
  1. How to sound when calling leads
  2. How to sound when you want to get someone to join or buy
  3. EXACTLY what I say to people after they have watched a presentation and more importantly HOW I sound

Ray Higdon’s Training

Ray Higdon is an incredible network marketing trainer.  Be sure to check out all his awesome business building information here at http://rayhigdon.com/blog/

Recruiting through Social Media

Have you ever tried sponsoring new people in your organization through social media?

When recruiting through social media, such as Facebook, your fans like to see real content.

Post content with personality & content that’s interesting. Also content with useful resources or tips and content that’s unique.

This is why you want to create your own unique images. Don’t just re-use the company’s branded content. I know Facebook will rank images that are used by lots of people lower than unique content. Use unique images! Your own images!

And when you have plenty of interesting and unique content on your business page, you’re ranked well by Facebook. When that happens, Facebook is more likely to show your followers any branded content when you do share a company video or image.

If you want to actually get results from social media in your network marketing business, then start raising more curiosity that does not allow them to do their own independent research.

I finished watching an incredible training with Network Marketing trainer, Ray Hidgon.  I learn so much every time I listen in to his trainings! Take a look at his blog. Wonderful information on building a big business.

Do you ever wonder the best way to get results by recruiting through Social Media? Check out his social media blog posts for some incredible information. Ray Higdon Blog


Alison Boers

