How to Sponsor More Distributors

How to Sponsor More Distributors

In order to sponsor more distributors into your business, follow these 8 steps!

1. For instance, talk to more people; what you lack in skills you can make up for in numbers
2. Improve your skills; the more you improve your confidence, leadership and salesmanship, the fewer people you will need to talk to
3. Work on your personal development; for instance, make it a point to get better every single day
4. Talk to entrepreneurial minded people; in addition, talk to people who are open minded to commission only pay and business ventures
5. Work with your team members; instead of just personally sponsoring people, work closely with any and every team member who will let you and chase their contacts
6. Build up your pipeline; every distributor needs a full pipeline so they always have plenty of people to talk to
7. Study sales and marketing; read every book you can on sales and marketing and fine tune your skills
8. Above all, make sure that you “ask for the sale” with every prospect you talk to

Succeeding in building your team does take persistent effort and a willingness to follow instructions from your sponsor and others in your upline. You probably will experience many rejections before you find enough people to accept your business opportunity and help you fulfill your financial goals and theirs.


Alison Boers

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